What is the Hongkong Prize?

The Hongkong Prize is an international competition designed to encourage young people to showcase their abilities across multiple fields and make themselves known – not to mention win cash prizes and travel expenses! Participants must abide by strict regulations in order to remain eligible and risk losing out if they fail to do so, which may mean forfeiting prize money altogether.

HK Prize is a non-profit educational incentive scheme. It rewards graduating class students who excel both academically and in community service, leadership or any other aspect. Winners will be presented with a prize book and vouchers worth HK$1,000 from Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited as sponsors for this award.

As well as a prize money award, shortlisted works will also be featured online in an art gallery – giving artists exposure in international markets and drawing potential customers towards them. Winners may also take part in workshops and expressive arts programs.

The Hong Kong Prize is one of the city’s most sought-after awards, offering winners access to exhibitions at Hong Kong Museum of Contemporary Art and media coverage worldwide. Furthermore, successful candidates may even benefit from lucrative collaborations with leading research institutions worldwide.

This year’s Hong Kong Prize nominations include activists fighting for freedom and democracy – some even arrested or jailed – who demonstrate how the human spirit triumphs even under duress.

Other nominees for awards include an artist who used her practice to investigate social and economic issues in Hong Kong and an architect who designed a low-income housing project – their works illustrate how art can contribute to social change.

Hong Kong’s arts scene is flourishing, and the HK Prize provides an ideal platform to recognize its artists. Past editions have awarded prizes to painters, sculptors and writers; now this year has expanded even further by including additional categories.

Fellows interested in participating should submit both a full article and blinded abstract of no more than 500 words via the link or scanning QR code below by 31 August 2024. The submission deadline will then follow.

The HK Prize logo features two precious elements – a pearl and pierced jade amulet. This symbolism represents its philosophy; for instance, jade symbolises truth while pearl symbolizes its preciousness, something reflected by selecting winners and awarding trophies accordingly.

The Hong Kong Prize Board (“the Board”) serves as the highest decision-making body of BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRIZE and is charged with upholding principles of scientific integrity and professional ethics while overseeing management of THE PRIZE review process. They do this through creating Review Committee and Compliance Oversight Team; suggesting important research fields for consideration for THE PRIZE; appointing reviewers/experts; setting criteria for nominating experts; verifying review results before authorizing and authorizing final review results before verification/approvement by them and authorizing final review results before final review results approval – uphold principles of scientific integrity & professional ethics while conducting THE PRIZE review process.