The Sydney Taylor Award, Honor, and Notable Books

SDY Prize is an international competition honoring leading scientists. This competition provides both financial compensation and networking opportunities with scholars in related disciplines – which may help aspiring scientists secure jobs or secure funding for graduate studies. Winning this prize can also serve as an immense motivation to keep working hard towards excellence!

The Sydney Doy Prize (SDY Prize) is one of Sydney’s premier events, drawing visitors from across Australia every year at its Sydney Convention Centre venue. Over 100,000 people attend this renowned draw each year as its live draw broadcast across Australia’s television and radio networks is watched live, often gathering together as groups to cheer or jeer according to its results – some even hosting watch parties to keep track of results online!

AJL is delighted to present the 2024 Sydney Taylor Award, Honor and Notable Book winners, which come highly recommended for library use, classroom learning and home reading enjoyment.

The Sydney Taylor Book Award was first created in 1968 in honor of acclaimed author Sydney Taylor. At its inception, this annual prize awarded just one book each year; however, starting in 1981 American Booksellers League changed this award’s name and began awarding two winners each year: one picture book/short informational title/novel and one longer nonfiction title/novel.

The Committee seeks to foster the publication of books that demonstrate high literary standards while accurately representing Jewish life for children and teenagers, inspiring authors, encouraging publishers, informing parents and teachers, inspiring authors themselves as well as engendering pride among Jewish readers while opening doors with readers from other backgrounds. The award also hopes that these works will engender pride among readers while breaking down cultural boundaries among readers who otherwise wouldn’t otherwise interact.