Data SGP

Data SGP is a free software package that enables users to analyze historical lottery results and recognize trends, patterns and number frequencies present in past draws. This enables bettors to increase their odds of success and optimize their betting strategies; furthermore it also shows them how their own performance has evolved over time and compare themselves against others players.

The SGP datasets are integral components of the LASSO project by the American Red Cross (ARM), which seeks to develop data sets compatible with large-eddy simulation models of atmospheric processes like air currents and clouds. Continuous observations at SGP site by ARM include temperature, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover coverage, surface pressure measurements that are transmitted directly from SGP observatory back to Data Discovery portal for public consumption.

Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) measure student progress relative to academic peers in their class or grade; or previous Star test scores from prior years. SGPs help ensure all students can show proficiency with state standards even if they enter school at different levels.

Teachers can use SGPs to assess how their students have progressed in each of the content areas they teach and whether they’re on track to meet state standards by year’s end. Teachers can then adjust instruction as necessary or examine students’ progression over multiple years to see if they’re likely on track for graduation from high school.

As with all state assessment systems, the SGP model does have its limitations. One such shortcoming is its requirement that teachers assign themselves to students’ test records; unfortunately this cannot always happen as some teaching assignments cannot be tracked over multiple years. Furthermore, it may be inaccurate for some accelerated students.

As such, the sgpData_INSTRUCTOR_NUMBER data set contains an anonymized teacher-student lookup table to assign teachers to student assessment records. Unfortunately, this is only an approximate solution as students may have multiple teachers associated with their assessment records, any of whom could potentially receive an mSGP award during any year.

For analyses that require more than the basic functionality provided by sgpData, users are recommended to supply their data in LONG format. Lower-level SGP functions (such as studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections) use wide formatted data; however, higher level wrappers of these functions rely on data supplied in long format instead. Long formatted data must also be supplied if running analyses that create aggregate assessments such as studentgrowthplots; this format also includes 7 required variables including VALID_CASE, CONTENT_AREA YEAR ID SCALE_SCORE GRADE ACHIEVEMENT_LEVEL for any SGP analysis to work effectively. The sgpData_LONG data set also contains 7 required variables needed for SGP analysis: VALID_CASE, CONTENT_AREA YEAR ID SCALESCORE GRADE and ACHIEVEMENT_LEVEL